What does Pentecost mean for Christians today?
The Stone That the Builders Rejected
What did Jesus mean when he said that he was the stone that the builders rejected, and why does it still matter?
The Unknown God
This week’s message looks at the Apostle Paul’s visit to the Areopagus in Athens and what he has to tell the Athenians about the unknown
What Mothers Do!
Join us this week as we see what scripture says about the important role mothers play in our lives!
Angels: Week 2
What does it mean that angels are God’s messengers? This week we look at Gabriel’s visit to Zechariah to announce the coming of John the
Angels: Week 1
What do Angels do, and what type of power do they have? We explore these questions as we start our two-week sermon series on Angels
God Never Leaves!
How can we know that God remains faithful to us, especially in the hard times? This week’s message looks at David’s Psalm 16 and how
Good News for All
This Easter we celebrate the resurrection of Christ by looking at Peter’s message to the Roman Centurian Cornelius in the book of Acts.
Good Friday
Here is our Good Friday service of Tenebrae. It includes readings of the Gospel of John 18:1-19:42. Please be aware of the loud noise that
Maundy Thursday
Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday is a day during Holy Week that we remember the night before Jesus died on the cross. He spent the
The King That Doesn’t Conquer
How does Palm Sunday affect our everyday lives as Christians? Study Matthew 21:1-11 to see how Jesus models gentle power during the events surrounding the
The Fine Print: Witness
What does it mean to be a witness? This message looks at what scripture tells us witnessing to others looks like. And it might just
The Fine Print: Stewardship
What is stewardship and why is it important for believers?
The God of Comfort
Even though we are unable to meet in person we still can spend some time in God’s word together this week. And because of the
The Fine Print: Presence
Why is it important that we participate in church?
The Fine Print: Prayer
What does it mean to faithfully participate in the church through our Prayers?
In the Presence of God’s Glory
What is the proper response when face to face with the glory of God?
The Cost of Spiritual Immaturity
What happens when we stop growing spiritually? This week’s message focuses on Paul’s teaching on the importance of maturing in our faith constantly
Salt & Light
How are Christians like salt and light? This week’s message focuses on Jesus’ instructions on living a life that reflects our savior’s grace and mercy
The Wisdom of God
What is the difference between spiritual knowledge and wisdom? This week’s message focuses on Paul’s teaching about how to apply authentic spiritual wisdom to our
Soul Exam: Avoiding Anxiety
What does worry cost us? This week’s message focuses on Jesus teaching that we shouldn’t allow ourselves to get snared by worry and instead how
Soul Exam: Prepare for Trouble!
How do we deal with Temptation? This week’s message looks at how Jesus lays out the perfect defense against the temptation that Satan can bring
Soul Exam: Take Control!
How do we take control of sin in our lives? This message looks at Paul’s description of a believer’s freedom from sin that they find
Soul Exam: Ask For Help!
Why is prayer so important? Jesus reveals in scripture that God wants us to pray to Him, and by doing so to strengthen our personal
Advent: Week 4 – Peace
How are peace and obedience related? This message focuses on Joseph the earthly father of Jesus and how his obedience enabled him to have peace